Friday 7 July 2023

On the Topic of the Truth.


One of the most important questions that Philosophy tries to answer is: 'What is Truth'?

There's more than one truth definition. For now i know about two:
- Classical Truth,
- Cathegorical Truth,

Cathegorical Truth definition can be 'extended' by:
- Thought Coherency,
- Pragmatism.

Classical Truth.

Classical Truth defines thoughts as true when these are identical with Reality.

One can argue that when thought is identical to reality, when it reflects the reality - then it's true.

However, how a thought can be compared to a cube or Niagara waterfall? Thoughts seem to be shapeless, and a cube or Niagara waterfall are objects in three-dimensional space.

Time can't also be a measure of thought - thought can last shorter or longer than phenomenon it's compared to.

Many argue that there's difference between act of thinking and thought contents ... and that only thought contents need to be similar to reality to make thought true.

But similarity is non-strict criterium, how much of similarity is needed to make thought true?

Also, how we can know what is real, what is not?

To know if a given thought is true, one needs to know not only considered thought, but also the truth itself.

Using Classical Truth definition seems to be an unachievable ideal.

Cathegorical Truth.

As proper reality understanding seemed to be impossible, philosophers sought other means of discerning truth from falsehood.

Philosophers observed that when people believed in certain thoughts, they considered these as criteria by which they judged other thoughts as either true or false.

This line of thoughts resulted in alternative truth definition, 'Cathegorical Truth'.

'Theorem is true when this theorem fulfills a certain final and irrevocable criterium'
'Thought is true when it is compatible with a certain final and irrevocable criterium'

Coherent Truth Theory.

Certain followers of Cathegorical Truth definition believed that thought systems need to be internally coherent.

Truth could be added to a thought system when it's compatible with main criterium of that system, and when it's coherent with other thoughts in that system.

Truth as Infinite Process.

When a thought is considered true by a Cathegorical Truth definition, it doesn't mean that it will hold true in future.

Neo-Kantianists from the Marburg school called this fact 'Truth is Infinite Process'. What follows is thought that there's nothing everlasting and irrevocable, that every theorem is makeshift one.

When certain theorems cease to hold true in a given time, whole thought systems and philosophies need to be re-created again.

Pragmatic Truth Theory.

In it's radical form, this approach starts with assumption that truth of a given theorem depends on it's compatibility with certain final, lasting criteria. Pragmatic Truth Theory, however - in it's radical form - believes that:

'Final criterium of truth for a given theorem lies in it's usefulness'.

In it's less-radical form, pragmatism does not go so far as above theory, but tends toward empirism and positivism.

Corrected Classical Truth definition.

Thought is True when it conforms with Reality.

Followers of this thought argue that it's not true that nothing can be learned.

We know that Earth is round, and that Sun is larger than Earth.

Doubts of Non-Classical Truth followers can also be applied to their own definitions of the Truth. If we think that we can't ever understand how Reality works, then we also do not know if our chosen criteria lead to correct understanding of the Reality.

And finally, followers of Classical Truth definition argue that other Truth definitions distort and falsify the Truth.

Non-Classical Truth definitions lead to Idealism.

Followers of Non-Classical Truth definition confirm that they know nothing except of what appears in their Mind. They also called themselves: 'skeptomai', which means: 'i look around', 'i seek'.

Their thoughts were one of 'starting points' for idealism that says that learnable world is not what is real, that learnable world is just only 'thought construct', fiction.

They said that it is fiction that differs from poetic fiction only in that, that it is built from certain rules contained in criterias, that people use when they make judgments.

Blog author's approach.

For my own uses, i've chosen Cathegorical Truth definition, where category to meet is:

'Truth is what brings together instead of separating, but honesty is also important'.

Internal Consistency (Coherency) is another important choice for my approach. This is related with honesty mentioned in cathegory above, mostly self-honesty.

... i think that people who are dishonest to themselves can't be internally consistent in their thought systems.

... i believe that 'Truth is Infinite Process'.

Buddhism adapts to Cultures it's practiced in, and when Science contradicts Buddhism, Buddhism adapts.

... i believe that key to Timelessness of many Buddhist lessons lies in it's adaptability and abstraction (generalization). i think that when Buddhism adapts to new Culture and new Reality, the Lessons become more Abstract, more Universal, more Timeless.

... i am not radical, so Classical Truth is also welcome in my thought system to some degree... i believe that for unenlightened being it's impossible to learn whole Truth about Reality, but some things may be learned still.

Partial Truth is not the Truth, but what science, society's opinions, our experiences and senses tell us about Reality might be practical still.

-=- Partial Truth can mislead. -=-
-=- Changing Point of View can change Reality perception as well. -=-

But strictly speaking, aside from the cathegory above, i do not know what is True and what is Not True.

... i know only what appears in my Mind, rest is unknown.

... i am a seeker (of the Truth), i am a skeptomai.

( Quoting the 'X-Files' serie: 'Truth is out there' ;) )


Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz: 'Topics & directions of Philosophy. Cognition Theory & Metaphysics'.
Chapter 2: 'Topic of Truth'.

(book in polish language).

Thursday 21 March 2019

The True Victory.

Mind as the Source.

A Quote.

'Buddhist philosophy suggests that everything we experience in this life is stemming from our mind.

Therefore, our mind is like the essence of ourselves.

So if the mind generates something positive, then something positive is manifested if the right conditions are met.

Similarly, if the mind generates something negative, then unpleasant manifestation appears.

Therefore, whatever is manifested externally is very much dependent on how it originated from within.

So if the cause of it, such as the intention, the motivation, the commitment, the effort – all of those causes and conditions – if they are ordinary, then it will be the same case with the manifestation.

And if the causes and conditions are greater, then the same goes for the manifestation.'


Blog author's comments.

... i've heard on a buddhist lecture that we are mind, not bodies.

We have bodies, but these grow old and die, eventually.

... but Mind itself is indestructible - keeps reincarnating in new bodies as new lives are conceived.

Monday 19 March 2018

Martial Arts Inspiration #1.

... Goal of Martial Arts it to improve oneself, to win with one's own weaknesses.

... You'll get there !!!

Whether during training or in the life's situations, both inspirations can be combined.

When one tries to improve, often goes through hell.

But when a lesson is complete, when one leaves hell victorious - there's the reward, one becomes a better person.

Friday 12 May 2017

A few Quotes.

Make the point on being underestimated,
if You wish to face less resistance than is needed to stop You.

Don't give up - if You care.
If You don't care - let it go, accept loss.

Don't fight if there are other, more important goals to fight for,
unless You have resources for that as well.

Prioritize Your goal(s),
Assess threats to Your priorities & make plans to neutralize these.

Prepare first.

Not every victory is worth fighting for,
When it's worth, however - add it to your costs & a budget plan.

Conflicts cost, avoid them.
Desperates hurt, avoid forcing others to desperation.

Inspire others by Your example.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Joining Martial Arts' Pearls of Wisdom into a Coherent Whole.


... i think that individual 'Pearls of Wisdom' might seem funny or pointless, but when they 'Click Together' with a Greater Plan - they are far more Meaningful than each of these alone.

i think it's wise to follow strictly Wisdom of the Wiser, of Philosophers & learn on the way.

Thinking is also a part of Martial Arts training, i am sure.

Martial Arts can be Enlightening, can lead to taking interrest in Buddhism & Spirituality - as it was with me as well.

It's a Buddhist lesson that what happens in Mind, later also develops on the Speech & Body levels.

Martial Thoughts can influence how one trains & fights later.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Fighting Thoughts.

Introducing Author.

i am not Greatest of Philosophers, but i think.

inspired by Bruce Lee's words, i read a few of Martial Arts Philosophy books at youth, they skewed my perspective considerably.

i had one or a few lessons of philosophy at a College (Politechnika Warszawska), but it wasn't degree ...

... i forgot degree i got, if any.

What is Philosophy?

it's 'Love of Wisdom'.

Philo - Love,
Sophia - Wisdom.

Fighting against Thoughts.

had episode in my life when thoughts appeared, many of them seemed hostile, aimed at harming me.

had to oppose these thoughts, beat them with my new Thoughts, Wishes & Mantras.

not to complain but to share for others as well, it's quite tiring experience - especially if it's intense & lasts for months or years without significant pauses when someone's mind is weak.

i think it might be important part of Philosophy practice to change thinking patterns quickly, using this methodology.

to consciously change Mind State using Thoughts, Wishes, Mantras, Affirmations, Symbols, ... whatever skillful means one has.

Objects of Perception.

had insight, i think it's nice.

'object of perception' is something held in a mind's focus (high priority in mind), to interact with, to analyze, to understand.

i think i should put as an 'object of perception' the very idea of 'object of perception', for four years since now.

i will do it, then, if i can.

i wish to do so, but not at all cost.