Thursday, 22 October 2015

Fighting Thoughts.

Introducing Author.

i am not Greatest of Philosophers, but i think.

inspired by Bruce Lee's words, i read a few of Martial Arts Philosophy books at youth, they skewed my perspective considerably.

i had one or a few lessons of philosophy at a College (Politechnika Warszawska), but it wasn't degree ...

... i forgot degree i got, if any.

What is Philosophy?

it's 'Love of Wisdom'.

Philo - Love,
Sophia - Wisdom.

Fighting against Thoughts.

had episode in my life when thoughts appeared, many of them seemed hostile, aimed at harming me.

had to oppose these thoughts, beat them with my new Thoughts, Wishes & Mantras.

not to complain but to share for others as well, it's quite tiring experience - especially if it's intense & lasts for months or years without significant pauses when someone's mind is weak.

i think it might be important part of Philosophy practice to change thinking patterns quickly, using this methodology.

to consciously change Mind State using Thoughts, Wishes, Mantras, Affirmations, Symbols, ... whatever skillful means one has.

Objects of Perception.

had insight, i think it's nice.

'object of perception' is something held in a mind's focus (high priority in mind), to interact with, to analyze, to understand.

i think i should put as an 'object of perception' the very idea of 'object of perception', for four years since now.

i will do it, then, if i can.

i wish to do so, but not at all cost.

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